
Multi-talented graduate Kyla Ferrier plays with Vancouver Theatre Sports League

Kyla Ferrier spent her undergraduate years dazzling TWU audiences in shows such as As You Like ItHoly Mo and Spew BoyPride and Prejudice, and Mythification. Immediately after graduating she channeled her comic chops into the roles of Ruth Buzzi and Tiny Tim in Pacific Theatre’s Godspell, capturing the hearts of reviewers with her masterful performance.

Now Kyla’s back in the limelight again, putting her 11:07 Comedy Improv background to good use. In August 2010 she auditioned for the internationally renowned Vancouver Theatre Sports League, and the people there decided Kyla was interesting enough to put on stage to be laughed at. She has been making funnies as a member of their Rookie League ever since. You can catch her most Sunday evenings at 7:30pm, at the Improv Centre on Granville Island, for the extremely affordable price of $6.99 (no plug intended). 

Kyla has also been busy wearing hats such as producer, publicist, and stage manager with projects such as the 2011 Vancouver Fringe Festival's premiere of The Selkie Wife, penned by fellow alum Erin Germaine Mahoney. Kyla’s next professional endeavour will be stage managing A Christmas Carol for Pacific Theatre.