Lendable Equipment

Make the most of TWU’s indoor activity spaces as well as our beautiful B.C. location and proximity to parks, mountains, rivers, and the ocean. 

Take advantage of our free equipment lending located at the Fitness Centre front desk in the David E. Enarson Gymnasium. 

All you need is a valid TWU ID card to check out equipment. Only one item per ID card can be borrowed and for a period of 24 hours. There is no charge as long as items are brought back in good condition.  

*Items returned in poor condition, or not returned at all, will have the replacement value of the equipment charged to their account. 

Lendable Equipment

  • Basketballs
  • Bocce ball set
  • Croquet set
  • Footballs
  • Frisbees
  • Indoor / Outdoor Soccer balls
  • Ladder ball set
  • Pickleball paddles
  • Volleyballs
  • Bouldering Shoes*
  • Cricket set**

Bookable Equipment 

All items require 48 hour notice to book; pick-up and drop-off times must be coordinated before a booking is confirmed.

  • Snowshoes
  • Kayaks
  • Paddle boards
  • Spikeball
  • Portable Volleyball Net

Please note the following:

  • Due to high demand, your booking will only be honoured up to 15 minutes after your coordinated pick-up time
  • Equipment not returned within 15 minutes of the coordinated drop-off time will result in your TWU account being charged $20 per day


Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday: 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For more information please visit our Instagram @twurecreation.
Questions or looking to book equipment? Email Holly Waterman.