Focus on Undergraduate Nursing

Johanna Alderliesten: Trinity Refugee Awareness Campaign (TRAC)

Johanna Alderliesten is a second year student in the Trinity Western University School of Nursing. She has been involved with the Trinity Refugee Awareness Campaign (TRAC) this year. You can read her story in her own words on the TRAC Blog here.

On April 6, there was a fundraising concert for TRAC at Holy Trinity Cathedral in New Westminster that featured the TWU Chamber Choir directed by Joel Tranquilla, Director of Choral Activities at Trinity Western University. The event raised over $3,300, through donations and sales, toward TRAC’s refugee sponsorship project. Johanna reports that the project has now raised over $24,000 and is close to reaching its goal, which will allow their application to move forward with the Mennonite Central Committee.

TRAC is not yet certain about what direction they will take when this project concludes but they plan to continue fundraising efforts for local projects and global refugee aid, and hope to get their community involved in volunteering with resettlement.

Chloe Stone: Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM)

Chloe Stone is a Biology and Nursing at Trinity Western University. She is also a student leader of the North American Coordinating Committee for Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM).

UAEM has most recently been working with a host of organizations, both government and NGOs, focusing on the licensing of a tuberculosis drug that could have far-reaching implications for global health. For the full story and Chloe’s co-authored article on the subject, see the Lancet page here.