
New Bachelor of Arts in Game Development Degree Available

Assemble your players and get ready to launch the adventure of a lifetime! This fall, Trinity Western University is launching a new Bachelor of Arts degree in Game Development. The program welcomes game designers, artists, programmers, sound designers and musicians who want to pursue a career in the video games industry.

The gaming industry is a huge, worldwide phenomenon: in the United States alone, game-makers sold over $40 billion of software last year. Tens of millions of international spectators tune into eSports matches and watch the celebrities of gaming stream their play sessions. The companies that build the imaginary worlds gamers visit are always looking for new talent to make games.

TWU’s Game Development program, part of the School of the Arts, Media + Culture (SAMC), provides a unique experience to students interested in making a difference in the industry. The degree is built around three major projects over four years where teams of students will work to produce their own games in a professional, entrepreneurial fashion. Each student will take a specialized role based on the coursework they have taken, and students will have to market their products.

“We believe people learn best by doing,” says the developer of the program, Dr. Kevin Schut, author of the book Of Games & God: A Christian Exploration of Video Games. “The games industry values teamwork, flexibility, and the ability to constantly learn. Our program is set up to help students learn exactly that.”

Underlying the whole program is TWU’s commitment to its Christian principles and values. “I love gaming,” says Dr. Schut, “But there is a lot of dark and negative stuff in both video games and the games industry. We want to prepare students to take their faith into the workplace so that they can change culture for the better. TWU’s liberal arts curriculum will also prepare students to be broad-minded, critical thinkers and leaders.”

It is not too late to apply for the fall 2019 semester that starts in September. For more information on the degree in Game Development, financial aid, on-campus room and board, and much more, please visit