TWU students learn integration of business with social mission during travel study to Thailand

Engaging with local and expat business leaders and entrepreneurs

TWU’s business and MBA programs offer students a multitude of hands-on learning experiences that bring classroom learning to life.

Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to hear from entrepreneurs and business leaders, join a School of Business mentorship program, and pursue many case study-based team projects.

In the summer, students can also choose to join one of many travel studies.

This May, a group of TWU students from both MBA and undergraduate business programs spent more than two weeks in Thailand as part of a School of Business travel study led by Dr. Brian Albright.

TWU School of Business 2024 travel study to Thailand.

"I’ve learned how people operate in hybrid, non-profit, and for-profit organizations. But it’s not just a structure, there are different mindsets that you are bringing together."

Learning from Thai and expat business leaders

To enrich their learning, the group toured several companies and interacted with both Thai and expat leaders.

Many of the teams and organizations they visited were part of the business as mission movement that aspires to accomplish spiritual, social, and environmental goals alongside being financially profitable. For example, a significant area of focus was on the issue of human trafficking and considering how business is an essential response to support those who have experienced trauma and to help survivors and at-risk individuals access safe employment.

TWU School of Business 2024 travel study to Thailand.

International conference

Participating in the Freedom Business Alliance Conference further enabled students to learn from entrepreneurs throughout Asia. The Freedom Business Alliance engages in research, training, and raising awareness for business solutions to human trafficking including developing restorative employment for survivors.

"I’ve learned that your business has to be successful financially if you hope to help people through your business.”

TWU School of Business 2024 travel study to Thailand.

Learning within a new cultural context

Several highlights of the travel study included experiencing the Thai culture, enjoying the local food, snorkeling and paddle boarding, feeding and giving elephants mud baths, and exploring night markets and religious temples.

As students reflected on the trip, many affirmed the exceptional value of a travel study experience:

One student commented on the integration of business with social mission: "I’ve learned that your business has to be successful financially if you hope to help people through your business.”

TWU School of Business 2024 travel study to Thailand.

Considering business for social good

Reflecting on business in the service of society, another comments, "I’ve learned about how business needs to collaborate with other institutions, such as government and nonprofit, to help people coming out of trafficking.”

Students were also able to trace the roots of various social challenges: "These smaller businesses are really trying hard to help people come out of horrible situations, but if we don't address the 'economic engine' that keeps people in poverty and exploits workers, then we won't see very much change."

Another student appreciated the challenges of leading a variety of organizations, "I’ve learned how people operate in hybrid, non-profit, and for-profit organizations. But it’s not just a structure, there are different mindsets that you are bringing together."

TWU School of Business 2024 travel study to Thailand.

Developing personal and business skills

Employee well-being is another area of learning, as one student comments, "I learned how to set boundaries at work because it can overwhelm you, and you might not be able to help other people if you don’t take care of yourself."

Still other students grew in their faith and personal development: "In my country, we lead by punishment. I’ve learned how Christians can lead through empowerment and serving."

Another student affirms, "I’ve learned that I can be confident in talking to people about what I know from my schooling, and I already have something to offer, even though I’m young.”

See also: TWU MBA students go on travel study to Kenya and the Netherlands 

About TWU Travel Studies

Travel studies allow students to be immersed in a different culture. TWU professors lead the courses, joined by guest speakers who provide a local perspective. For many students, participating in a travel study is one of the most memorable experiences of their entire major, if not a life-changing one. Learn more about Travel Studies at TWU.

About TWU's School of Business

As Canada’s premier Christian business school, we offer a rare blend of academic excellence and hands-on experience to prepare students to lead and inspire tomorrow’s world. Learn more at TWU's School of Business.

About Trinity Western University

Founded in 1962, Trinity Western University is a global Christian liberal arts university. We are dedicated to equipping students to discover meaningful connections between career, life, and the needs of the world. Drawing upon the riches of the Christian tradition, seeking to unite faith and reason through teaching and scholarship, Trinity Western University is a degree-granting research institution offering liberal arts and sciences as well as professional schools in business, nursing, education, human kinetics, graduate studies, and arts, media, and culture. It has locations in Canada: Langley, Richmond-Lansdowne, Richmond-Minoru, and Ottawa. Learn more at or follow us on Instagram @trinitywestern, Twitter @TrinityWestern, on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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