June Anonson, PhD

Part-time Instructor of Leadership

Dr. June Anonson is a full Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and has been an Assistant Dean and faculty member at the University of Saskatchewan Colleges of Nursing and Education in the Prince Albert, Saskatoon, La Ronge, and Île-à-la-Crosse sites since 2005. Dr. Anonson obtained her Full Professorship with the University of Saskatchewan, under the area of Nursing Leadership, in 2016.

Dr. Anonson has taught on-line courses in North America and in person for the last 25 years. She also worked front-line nursing in areas such as: Medi-Vacs (STARS), Operating Room, Med-Surg, OBS, Community Health, OPD and Emergency. She has been a Director of Research/Scholarship, Assistant Dean, Dean of Health Sciences, Vice President Academic (A), along with a Program Manager and Supervisor in Acute Care. The majority of her career has been in leadership positions with Health Care and Education.

She has her own consulting firm called "Achieving Synergy" and does workshops across Canada on Conflict Resolution, Team Building and Leadership seminars. Dr. Anonson continues to lead and participate in program reviews for various Universities and Colleges, and consults on preparation for reviews in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Hawaii, China and South Korea.

Dr. Anonson won the Diamond Award for SRNA's Centennial year in the area of teaching & leadership, the national Nursing/Leadership award for the province of Saskatchewan given by the Prime Minister, along with other provincial awards in B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan. She is a Nurse Educator, scientist, researcher, and leader. Dr. Anonson works with graduate students as a supervisor for their Masters and PhD degrees. She also supervises Graduate students from Universities in other provinces.

She teaches in the Undergraduate and Graduate programs at the College of Nursing, and has also taught for Graduate programs at the University of Regina and University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Dr. Anonson also consulted with faculty in the area of Applied Research with Saskatchewan Polytechnic. She continues to have a strong program of research and is currently working on a MITACS, SHRF and SSRCH grant which she leads with an inter-professional team.

Dr. Anonson’s belief in a student-centered approach to teaching and lifelong learning: with a goal to assist in the mentoring of the next generation of nursing leaders, continues to be her focus with teaching. She is grounded by her faith in both her professional and personal worlds.


LDRS 631 Healthcare Leadership Issues