Katharine M. Bubel, PhD
- PhD, English (University of Victoria; 2018)
- MA Interdisciplinary Humanities, English Stream (Trinity Western University; 2009)
American Literature; 20th and 21st-century poetry; Literatures of the West Coast; Literature and Christianity; Literary Theory; Ecocriticism (esp. place studies)
- 2024-25 SSHRC Exchange Grant: “Western Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature” ($6,924) - Principal Investigator: Sara Pearson; Co-applicants: Katharine Bubel, Holly Faith Nelson, Laura Van Dyke
- 2023-24 SSHRC Explore Grant: “ConVersing/ConServing: Ecopoiesis and Place-Sensitive Knowledge in the TWU Ecosystem Study Area” ($5,500) – Principal Investigator: Katharine Bubel; Co-applicants: Holly Faith Nelson, Laura Van Dyke, Jessica Walters
- 2013 Graduate Student Support Fund Travel Grant, Dept. of English, University of Victoria
- 2012 Graduate Student Support Fund Travel Grant, Dept. of English, University of Victoria
- 2012 Graduate Student Travel Grant, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Victoria
- 2010 Graduate Student Travel Grant, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Victoria
- 2009-12 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier
- Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral ($35,000 per annum for three years)
- 2008 SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master’s ($17,500 for one year)
Awards & Honours
- 2018 Department of English Nominee for Governor General’s Gold Medal, University of Victoria
- 2014 Nominated for Davis Distinguished Teaching Award, Trinity Western University
- 2013 Nominated for Provost’s Innovative Teaching Award, Trinity Western University
- 2010 Mairi Riddel Memorial Book Prize, Dept. of English, University of Victoria
- 2010 Assoc. of Literature, Environment, Culture in Canada, Graduate Student Presentation Award
- 2009 University of Victoria Graduate Award ($3,000)
- 2009 Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, MAIH, Trinity Western University
- 2007 Great Distinction, BA, Trinity Western University
Recent Publications
Selected Publications
- w/ Holly Faith Nelson, Laura Van Dyke, Jessica Walters. Preface: “The Gift of the Land.” ConVersing/ConServing: The Gift of the Land, Fern Hill Publications, 2024, pp. 5-10.
- w/ Holly Faith Nelson. “Discordia Concors: The Poetry of Louise Imogen Guiney.” Borderlands: The Art and Scholarship of Louise Imogen Guiney, Ed. Jonathan Nauman and Holly Faith Nelson, The Vaughan Association, 2021, pp. 70-104.
- “Daemonic Dread, Libido Dominandi, and Ordinate Love: Stances to Nature in Till We Have Faces.” The Inklings and Culture: A Harvest of New Scholarship from the Inklings Institute of Canada, edited by Monika B. Hilder, Sara L. Pearson, and Laura N. Van Dyke, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp. 275-89.
- “‘The Longing’: Alienation, Place and the Desire for Home.” A Field Guide to the Poetry of Theodore Roethke, edited by William Barillas. Ohio University Press, 2020, pp. 222-35.
- “Robinson Jeffers.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Gen ed. Stephen Ross. Oxford: Routledge, 2016.
- “‘The Terrible, the Merciful, the Mothers’: Tracing Wisdom in Merton’s ‘Hagia Sophia’ and Malick’s ‘The Tree of Life.’” The Merton Annual, vol. 28, 2015, pp. 134-48.
- “Nature and Wise Vision in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, vol. 62, no. 2, 2010, pp. 117-40.
Affiliations & Memberships
- Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
- Association for Literature, Environment and Culture in Canada
- Christianity and Literature Study Group
- Inklings Institute of Canada
- International Thomas Merton Society
- Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
- Robinson Jeffers Association
- Western Literature Association
Undergraduate Courses:
- ENGL 210 Introduction to Literary Studies (Fall 2024)
- ENGL 316/516 Poetry in the Twentieth Century (Fall 2019, Fall 2022, Fall 2024*)
- ENGL 390/590 Literature and the Environment (Spring 2024*)
- ENGL 334/534 European Literature in Translation (Fall 2021*, Spring 2024)
- ENGL 412 20th-Century American Literature (Fall 2023)
- ENGL 495 Critical Approaches to Literature (Fall 2023) – formerly Literary Theory I and II
- ENGL 223 Introduction to American Literature (Spring 2015, Fall 2020, Fall 2023)
- ENGL 224/324 Introduction to American Literature (Spring 2023)
- ENGL 390/590 Individual Authors: No Place Like Home (Summer 2023*)
- ENGL 490 Literary Theory I (Spring 2021, Spring 2023)
- ENGL 495 Literary Theory II (Spring 2020, Spring 2022, Summer DS 2022)
- ENGL 390 Individual Authors: Poetry, Place, Spiritual Practices: Hopkins, Merton and Friends (Summer 2022)
- ENGL 414/514 Literature and Spirituality: Making Nature Sacred (Spring 2021*)
- ENGL 104 Introduction to Poetry and Drama (Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2017, Spring 2020)
- ENGL 103 Introduction to Fiction (Fall 2019)
- ENGL 390 Individual Authors: Studies on Thomas Merton (Summer 2019)
- ENGL 390 American Literature: Making Nature Sacred (Spring 2017)
- ENGL 103 Introduction to Poetry and Short Fiction (Spring 2011)
- Foundations 201 Ideas That Inspire (Fall 2019-Fall 2022 – every semester)
(*Graduate – Cross Listed)
Graduate Courses and Directed Studies:
- ENGL 607 Post-Revolution Russian Literature in Translation, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Humanities (Spring 2024)
- ENGL 607 20th-Century American Literature: Places in the Heart of America, MAIH (Fall 2023)
- ENGL 607 Interfaith Literature, MAIH (Spring 2022)
- ENGL 607 Literary Theory and Criticism, MAIH (Spring 2020)
- ENGL 607 American Literature, MAIH (Summer 2018)
- ENGL 600 Reading the Times: Text and Interpretation, MAIH (Fall 2018)