Robert Doede, PhD

Professor of Philosophy; Sabbatical Spring 2025

Robert is on Sabbatical for the Spring 2025 Semester.

B.R.E. (William Tyndale College), MCS (Regent College), Ph.D. (Kings College, U of London).


Existentialism (free will of the individual), Aesthetics (related to the senses), Philosophy of mind, Feminist philosophy, and philosophy of embodiment. Philosophy of Technology and Transhumanism.

Awards & Honours

Notable accomplishments and experiences

Dr. Doede has published in a number of philosophy journals, most recently in the British journal Appraisal, where his “Transhumanism, Technology, and the Future: Posthumanity Emerging or Sub-humanity Descending?” was published in the March 2009 edition (Vol. 7, No. 3, : pp. 39-54). Recently Dr. Doede has also been interviewed on CBC Radio One and on Lorna Dueck's Listen Up TV regarding technology and education.  

Dr. Doede has also been invited by the University of Toronto journal Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society, to write an article on Polanyi's understanding of human nature for a special issue of the journal that will feature the thought of Michael Polanyi.

Recent Publications

  “Transhumanism, Technology, and the Future: Posthumanity Emerging or Sub-humanity Descending?” Appraisal, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2009: pp. 39-54

 “Review of Montague Brown, Restoration of Reason: The Eclipse and Recovery of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth”. The Heythrop Journal (May 2009), Vol. 50, No. 3

 “Polanyi in the Face of Transhumanism,” Tradition and Discovery Vol. XXXV, No. 1: pp. 33-45