Shane Durbach, PhD
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- PhD in Chemistry (20 May 2009)
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- MSc in Chemistry (24 June 1997)
- Honors in Chemistry (7 May 1992)
BSc in Chemistry and Chemical Sciences (2 May 1991)
My research interests lie in investigating various synthetic strategies for shaped carbon nanomaterials. In recent years I have branched out into two new areas: 1) The use of solid waste materials as either catalysts for carbon material synthesis or as sources of carbon to make these nano and micro-sized carbon materials, 2) The synthesis and application of colloidal, shaped, inorganic crystalline solids as templates for hollow or filled carbon materials. In addition to this I am currently focussing on finding applications for these nanomaterials in areas such as composites (for low-cost building materials and other beneficial community related uses) and photocatalysis (e.g. through the conversion of carbon dioxide to fuels).
Awards & Honours
- Team member that won the Faculty of Science’s Team Teaching Award (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) – 2011
- Team member that won the Vice Chancellors Team Teaching Award (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) – 2011
Recent Publications
- Lerato Hlekelele, Paul J. Franklyn, Pranav K. Tripathi and Shane H. Durbach*. Morphological and crystallinity differences in Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes grown by Chemical Vapour Deposition Decomposition of Melamine over Coal Fly Ash. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 76773-76779. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA16858B.
- Nikita Tawanda Tavengwa, Nomso Hintsho, Shane Durbach, Isabel Weiersbye, Ewa Cukrowska, Luke Chimuka,* Extraction of explosive compounds from aqueous solutions by solid phase extraction using b-cyclodextrin functionalized carbon nanofibers as sorbents. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4 (2016) 2450–2457.
- J. Muthu*, P. Bradley, I.K. Jinasena, S. Durbach, A. Moya, R. Paskaramoorthy. The effects of carbon nanofiber on the mechanical properties of glass/coir fibre reinforced polyester hybrid composites. Polymer Composites 29 January 2016. DOI: 10.1002/pc.23938 1-11.
- N. Hintsho, A. Shaikjee, P.K. Tripathi, P.Franklyn and S. Durbach*. The effect of CO2 on the CVD synthesis of carbon nanomaterials using fly ash as a catalyst. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 53776. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA06892D.
- N. Hintsho, A. Shaikjee, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, D. Billing, P. Franklyn, S. Durbach*. Direct synthesis of carbon nanofibers from South African coal fly ash. Nanoscale Research Letters 2014, 9:387 DOI:10.1186/1556-276X-9-387.
- L.N. Dlamini, R.W. Krause*, G.U. Kulkarni, S.H. Durbach. Synthesis and characterization of titania based binary metal oxide nanocomposite as potential environmental photocatalysts. Materials Chemistry and Physics 129 (2011) 406–410.
- L.N. Dlamini, R. W. Krause*, G. U. Kulkarni, S. H. Durbach. Photodegradation of bromophenol blue with fluorinated TiO2 composite. Appl Water Sci 1 (2011):19–24.
- R.W. M. Krause*, B.B. Mamba, L.N. Dlamini, S.H. Durbach. Fe–Ni Nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotube-co-cyclodextrin polyurethanes for the removal of trichloroethylene in water. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 12 (2010):449–456.
- S Durbach*, R.W Krause, M.J Witcomb, N.J Coville. Synthesis of branched carbon nanotubes (b-CNTs) using copper catalysts in a hydrogen-filled DC arc discharger. Carbon 47 (2009) 635–644.
- K.L Salipira, R.W Krause, B.B Mamba*, T.J Malefetse, L.M Cele and S.H Durbach. Cyclodextrin polyurethanes polymerised with multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and characterisation. Materials Chemistry and Physics 111 (2008) 218-224.
- K.L Salipira, B.B Mamba*, R.W Krause, T.J Malefetse and S.H Durbach. Cyclodextrin polyurethanes polymerised with carbon nanotubes for the removal of organic pollutants in water. Water SA 34 (1) (2008) 113-118.
- K.L. Salipira, B.B. Mamba*, R.W. Krause, T.J. Malefetse, S.H.Durbach. Carbon nanotubes and cyclodextrin polymers for removing organic pollutants from water, Environ. Chem.Lett. 5 (2007), 13-17.
S Durbach*, N.J. Coville and M.J. Witcomb. The effect of hydrogen, helium and their mixtures on the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in a DC arc-discharger. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanotubes 13 (2005) 155-169.
Affiliations & Memberships
Member of the South African Chemical Society