Occupational Health & Safety at TWU
Occupational Health & Safety Committee
The Occupational Health & Safety Committee (The Committee) is mandated, by The Workers Compensation ACT and WorkSafeBC regulations, to promote and recommend safe work practices and procedures at TWU by monitoring the university’s health and safety program and occupational environment. The Committee, made up of both ‘worker’ and ‘employer’ representatives, identifies situations and concerns of the TWU community, conducts accident investigations and facility inspections and makes recommendations to the university to improve the communication, education, and effectiveness of TWU’s health and safety program.
Please visit the Occupational Health & Safety Intranet site for more Health and Safety information, such as TWU Safety Programs, what to do when an employee is injured, questions about ergonomics, etc.
Campus Security
Trinity Western University’s Campus Security operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. The security guards are our first responders across campus and each have level 2 occupational first aid. The Security office is located in the Welcome Centre at the entrance to the Langley campus. Employees are expected to willingly identify themselves and their vehicles if approached by Security and Parking personnel who may request this information during the fulfilling of their job responsibilities.
If you witness criminal or suspicious behavior, please contact Campus Security at 604 513 2099 or local 2099 from an on-campus phone.
Workplace Injury
Please visit the Occupational Health & Safety Intranet site for what to do when an employee is injured.