Program Specializations

Specialized Humanities

Students with a strong interest in English, History, or Philosophy may concentrate their elective course selection and earn a specialization similar to that of an MA in one of these disciplinary streams.  Students may choose to do a disciplinary coursework track, or they can opt to complete a major paper/applied project/thesis, depending on the student’s desired outcome.  Generally speaking, future academics will complete a major paper or thesis, while educators and professional will satisfy their graduation requirements by finishing the coursework or applied project options.

All students engaging the Specialized Humanities in English, History or Philosophy will be exposed to interdisciplinary practice within the MAIH by: 1) completing the required interdisciplinary core seminars (ENGL 600, HIST 600, PHIL 600); 2) selecting diverse courses in conversation with their advisor that meet the individual’s interests; and, 3) completing a major paper/applied project/thesis or further coursework that intentionally considers disciplinary perspectives from outside of their chosen focus. Where appropriate, students are also encouraged to consider faith-based perspectives in ways that are integrative and interdisciplinary.

Specialized Humanities - Paper/Applied Project or Thesis
The major paper/applied project option is recommended for students in English and History; Philosophy students should consult with their advisor for the most appropriate academic pathway.  The thesis is recommended for students in Philosophy; it is an option for English and History candidates as determined in consultation with advisor.

MAIH English stream (major paper/applied project)
Core: (9 SH) Electives: (15 SH) Paper/Project: (6 SH)
ENGL 600 At least one ENGL 600 level ENGL 610
HIST 600 Any 4 ENGL at 500/600 level ENGL 613
PHIL 600    
MAIH History stream (major paper/applied project)
Core: (9 SH) Electives: (15 SH) Paper/Project: (6 SH)
ENGL 600 At least one HIST 600 level    HIST 610
HIST 600 Any 4 HIST 500/600 level HIST 613
PHIL 600    
MAIH Philosophy stream (major paper/applied project)
Core: (9 SH) Electives: (15 SH)  Paper/Project: (6 SH)
ENGL 600 At least one PHIL 600 level    PHIL 610
HIST 600 Any 4 PHIL 500/600 level PHIL 613
PHIL 600    
MAIH Philosophy stream (thesis option)
Core: (9 SH) Electives: (12 SH) Paper/Project: (9 SH)
ENGL 600 At least one PHIL 600 level    PHIL 610
HIST 600 Any 3 PHIL 500/600 level PHIL 611
PHIL 600   PHIL 612
*Must include at least one course from each of ENGL, HIST, PHIL


General Humanities

The General Humanities track is designed for MA students who wish to strengthen their perspectives on relevant social, political, economic, and cultural issues.  Teachers of English, History, and Social Studies, professionals and other students desiring broad studies in the humanities disciplines, or academicians hoping to pursue Ph.D. studies in general humanities should consider this program pathway.  The General Humanities track presents two opportunities to satisfy degree requirements:  The coursework option requires students to select courses across a spectrum of topics and from various disciplines.  Candidates can either drill down on a specific topic and explore it from perspectives unique to English, History and Philosophy, or they can choose a thematic approach and explore a variety of topics.

MAIH General Humanities stream (coursework)
Core: (9 SH)          Electives: (21 SH) Paper/Project:                         
ENGL 600 At least 3 ENGL/PHIL/HIST 600 level  
HIST 600 Any 4 ENGL/PHIL/HIST at 500/600 level  
PHIL 600    


The General Humanities track also offers a major paper/applied project option. Candidates who wish to apply their Humanities training to a specific issue or project should consider this as a way to fulfill their degree requirements.

MAIH General Humanities stream (major paper/applied project)
Core: (9 SH)          Electives: (15 SH) Paper/Project: (6 SH) 
ENGL 600     At least one ENGL/PHIL/HIST 600 level ENGL/PHIL/HIST 610             
HIST 600 Any 4 ENGL/PHIL/HIST at 500/600 level ENGL/PHIL/HIST 613
PHIL 600    

*Must include at least one course from each of ENGL, HIST, PHIL