Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic speech competition developed by The University of Queensland for research students.

Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Norma Marion Alloway Library's Glass Room

Attendance is open to all

Fancy hearing an 80,000 word thesis explained in less than 180 seconds? Research students from across the globe are doing just that in preparation for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). Established by The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008, 3MT® is now held in at least 600 universities across more than 65 countries worldwide. The Dean of UQ’s Graduate School, Professor Alastair McEwan, said 3MT® was designed to develop skills that will give students an important career advantage once they complete their studies. 3MT® provides a unique opportunity to profile and celebrate the innovative research conducted by postgraduate research candidates from around the world. More information about 3MT® is available at

Benefits of Participating

  • Develop your pitch! It takes some serious skills to summarize and present your research in three minutes...AND hook your audience. As a researcher, you will need to communicate your expertise to pique listener interest for conferences, grant writing, networking, and many other important opportunities. Start here by learning how to share your enthusiasm in a way that your audience will respond to.
  • Prizes! Who doesn't love prizes? And we've got them right here. Not to mention travel and media opportunities.
  • Increasing opportunities! 3MT is a great way to make yourself more visible and attract collaborators, funders, and potential employers. TWU's 3MT is the perfect venue for publicizing your research, providing opportunities for research collaborators, funding agencies, and employers to become interested in your efforts.

Benefits of Attending

  • Find out about current research and how it is going to change our world.
  • Networking! It's the perfect place to network with other student and faculty researchers and employers. And who knows? Maybe you'll find your next interdisciplinary research collaborator or future job.
  • Celebrate TWU's amazing academics and quality research! We're making a difference.

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